Digital Agency: Web, E-Commerce, Marketing, Performance – Tasks

Digital Agency – If you happen to run into someone from a digital agency at your next photo shoot or video shoot, here’s the lowdown on what a digital agency does for clients. Digital agencies are cross-thematic agencies and combine several aspects. They cover areas of content marketing agencies, social media agencies but also e-commerce agencies. So to speak, the entire field in online marketing! Media, marketing, advertising, back to all: Agencies.

What are the goals of a digital agency?

Digital agencies pursue the goal of forming uniform brand presences. Instead of commissioning different agencies, a central agency takes care of the brand presence. Unlike traditional advertising agencies, digital agencies specialize in the online world. This involves a wide variety of aspects, as already mentioned at the beginning, from e-commerce to social media marketing and content marketing for search engine optimization.

What makes a digital agency close?

What does a digital agency do?

Digital agencies are active in several areas, so that they can be all-embracing for their customers. Accordingly, digital agencies must have a relatively large number of employees and, of course, many freelancers to be able to cover such extensive orders. Some digital agencies also book external agencies, which then take over parts of their tasks.

Web design: Digital appearance

Let’s start with one of the first aspects a digital agency takes care of. The web design. Why?

We could still make so many advertising measures. Without a platform on which the products, whether goods or services, are sold, every marketing campaign, no matter how good, comes to nothing. That’s why, for many digital agencies, the first thing to do is to create a coherent design for their customers in which users feel comfortable. This is not just about design, but also about usability, i.e. how easy a website or app is to use.

Now you will think, what has web design and modeling to do with each other? Already in the first design concept, no matter if homepage or e-commerce, of course advertising photos are included. For example on the start page. Here many users come on it and accordingly this is an important advertising space. The same applies to the online store, where are products placed, categories and individual photos?

The best marketing agencies

Now in FIV Magazine, the top 100 agencies:

E-commerce creation / management

WooCommerce, Shopware, Magenta & Co. – these are the names of the most typical e-commerce systems used by digital agencies to create online stores.

Creating e-commerce is not just about making a website, it’s also about linking it to categories, products and the entire inventory management system in a way that makes sense. After all, following an order, online stores also have to print shipping labels, they have to pack packages, many individual steps that follow after your order on mobile.

Large online stores have a real challenge with this, especially when new products are coming in and out every day. 17 products are in the inventory, five products are going out, eight products are coming in – it all has to be covered. Digital agencies also take care of this, either themselves or with the help of external partner agencies that are even more specialized in online stores.

Online marketing: Making ideas known

After a brand has its online presence, for example through aspects such as web design or even e-commerce creation, it can move on to marketing!

A large part of companies and businesses nowadays rely on online marketing methods and strategies. The reason is clear, most of them are online! We inform ourselves via search engines, look at new trends on Instagram, happen to see a new fashion brand on TikTok or even beauty products on YouTube. If users are already in search engines or social apps, the leap to the online store is of course not far away.

Online marketing methods and strategies

Online marketing methods then deal with different strategies. These could be simple ads on social networks, for example. But it could also be ads in search engines so that the brand is at the top. Many brands also swear by email marketing, even if email is no longer all the rage, the technique still works great. But online marketing can also mean publishing articles on the websites of magazines and fashion magazines, online PR.

All these methods in online marketing have only one primary goal, to provide attention and reach.

This brings another important task of digital agencies to the fore, performance marketing.

Performance optimization: More sales

Simply put, performance marketing means that advertising campaigns are set up with the aim of generating deals and sales.

It would be different, for example, when comparing with awareness, i.e. brand recognition. Here, it’s not primarily about sales, but about making a brand or product known. Performance marketing relies all around on metrics that prove the effectiveness of campaigns or not. Then, by comparing different strategies and methods, you can filter out the ones that are most effective. Methods that don’t work as well are stopped. In this way, the results as a whole get better and better.

Here’s another simple little example for you! Let’s say a large and well-known fashion brand has a new garment on the market that needs to be promoted. Now, the brand can either publish just one picture and hope that many will buy. The brand can also publish ten different photos and five videos and compare the different media after a week. In which medium did more people click, buy, or perform some other action?

By comparing campaigns in this way, performance is always improved.

Search engine optimization: Google & Co.

Another important area is search engine optimization. When you think of search engines, you most likely think of Google, the biggest search engine in the world. But there are others, e.g. Duck Duck Go Go, Bing, Yandex.

Every day, hundreds of millions of people go to search engines looking for information, products or even entertainment. This is an excellent opportunity for brands to get into the game through good placement in the search engine. Because once a user is on their own homepage or in their own online store, the path to the shopping cart is not far away.

Accordingly, search engine marketing focuses on a high placement in search engines so that as many people as possible click on one’s own website.

Usability engineering: user-friendly thinking

Usability is a very important topic! Usability is about making the user’s paths as easy as possible. Let’s say you went on Instagram and had to click three times to see the first photos in your stream. That would probably really annoy you, and many users would become less and less keen on it and bounce one by one. In other words, the easier the content is to access, the better the usability.

You could even apply the methodology to your work as a model! Usability means easy access. Let’s say you present a new jacket with the customer’s logo printed on the left side. At the photo shoot, however, you usually show the right side. If there is no good picture later on, in which the logo can be seen, one of the pictures without the logo will be used. When users see this advertising campaign, let’s say quite simply on Instagram, the brand is not recognizable at first glance. Accordingly, many will not even go out of their way to look at more. After all, it is a no name.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is of course one of the flagships for digital agencies these days when it comes to marketing products or companies. Read more about the topic here: Social Media Agency.

Digital Agency: Tasks & Services

Here again quickly summarized:

  • Web design
  • E-commerce creation / management
  • Online Marketing
  • Performance optimization
  • Search engine optimization
  • Usability Engineering
  • Content Management
  • Social Media Marketing

Agencies: Marketing, Media & Advertising

Agencies – Media, Advertising & Marketing, there are so many, different types of agencies. As a model you will work with many agencies on photo shoots, fashion shows or commercials on set. Here’s a little overview for you.