Social Media Agency: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram & Co – Tasks

Social Media Agency – Social media marketing is more important for companies today than any other marketing method. Representatives of agencies are more often on site at photo shoots, commercials, but also already at castings. Here is a little insight into the tasks and work of a social media agency. Back to all: Marketing Agencies.

What are the goals of a social media agency?

Reach, awareness, community building. The objective can be very different for a social media agency. At the very least, it is always about reach, for example in social media advertising. However, if we talk about social media marketing, it is also about more far-reaching measures, including building a community.

The big advantage is that you can do a lot with your own community! Brands do not have to constantly advertise to reach the people who are interested in them. They have direct access to their fans through their community. Sounds simple, but it makes a big difference for brands! Direct feedback for new products, customers can ask questions directly, they can look behind the scenes.

What makes a social media agency close?

What does a social media agency do?

Let’s take another look at the individual tasks in detail!

Social media strategy and guidelines

For a social media agency, the first step is always to develop a strategy. Such a strategy is relatively long, after all, such a community is not a day care.

The selection of the right social networks, content and postings, time periods, the response to messages, all this must be planned. For this purpose, social media agencies develop a social media concept in cooperation with their customers, which is then implemented step by step.

This strategy is then used to develop guidelines that all employees, freelancers and other agencies adhere to. One of the core pieces of this strategy is the editorial plan.

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Create editorial plan

An editorial plan summarizes the various activities and employees in a clear paper. This can be a simple table or also a tool with which the publications are planned.

The editorial plan contains all activities and topics. Employees of the company will find here tasks that they should do in preparation, for the social media agency. E.g. send new products, so that photos and videos can be made, which are then published in the social networks, the employees of the social media agency find here again everything important, from the preparations of the postings to the publication periods to the topics that will be published in the coming week, next month and so on.

Write and publish articles

Through the editorial plan, all posts that need to be written and published are planned. Social media agencies then take over the postings in the individual social networks for their customers and, of course, the interaction that occurs among the postings.

Regular publication is essential, and social media agencies pay attention to this. Their customers are busy with their daily business. Today, when many orders come in or an employee is down, no social media posting is made. At some point, the social media channel stops working and the community stops growing. That’s the biggest danger, without a social media agency!

As simple as it sounds, writing and publishing posts on a regular basis is so important that it needs to be mentioned!

In addition, of course, the social media agency staff considers not only that something should be published, but also when and how. Do we use galleries, a single photo, videos, story function, what does the description under the post look like? Do we use emojis, do we use a link, do we write very little or do we write a lot. All this needs to be planned for every single post!

This is where the editorial plan comes into play again, especially if several social networks are used. Through joint coordination in the editorial plan, a video can be published on YouTube at 9 a.m., a reminder on Instagram at 10 a.m. and the first reaction on TikTok at 11 a.m., for example.

Community management and communication

The strategy is made. The editorial plan created. The posts written and published.

The next important, central task of a social media agency is community management and communication. On the one hand, these are the interactions directly under the posts. On the other hand, of course, direct messages that arrive in the inbox. But it’s also about external communication, how do people talk about the brand on other profiles, channels or pages?

In addition, a good social media agency ideally also brings a lot of small ideas! How can you bring the community together? A small tool would be to collect feedback, what do you think about that? Sweepstakes are a possibility or “come together events” in larger cities.

So community management encompasses communication on the one hand, but also entertainment.

Test new functions / platforms

Social media apps are evolving so fast! Just 15 years ago there was only Facebook, then at least YouTube, Instagram, now Pinterest, Twitch, TikTok… So social media agencies also have to be constantly on the lookout for new trends and new social media apps that might be interesting for their clients.

For one thing, important, new features that are constantly popping up within social apps. TikTok does something new, Instagram copies it, Facebook has an idea, a new filter is introduced… new is always interesting, because there are few people who have published content about it yet.

Then there are the new social networks, usually they start with a special aspect, they are for gamers, on TikTok you could sing to real songs of the stars. The one who finds the right app here and is there at the beginning has good chances for high growth.

Crisis communication (recognizing and managing shitstorms)

The greater the awareness, the larger the community, the more diverse the opinions. Of course, this also increases the risk of shitstorms and negative comments.

Crisis communication is also one of the tasks of a social media agency. Ideally, of course, this should be taken into account in the social media strategy at the outset. In the worst case, i.e. no planning and the shitstorm is already there, it must at least react immediately.

Such a shitstorm can happen to any good company. For example, when a person with a larger reach (influencer) gets upset about a brand. Even if the criticism is small, with a strong community, a single opinion so quickly develops into many of the same (negative) opinions. Reacting early, sometimes doing nothing, sometimes moderating, sometimes actively acting, is one of the tasks.

Social Media Ads

Now we come to the core with the next two tasks: Reach! All companies want one thing above all else, awareness and attention. The more people know a brand, the higher the probability that they will fall back on it, whether in the supermarket or in the online store.

Reach can be built up laboriously over months and years, e.g. through good and creative content, which, however, must come anew every day! That is a lot of effort and work. It’s much easier with advertising. Facebook has well over 2 billion users, Instagram has well over 2 billion users, whether old or young, all can be reached relatively quickly by playing ads.

Accordingly, social media agencies take care of campaign planning, implementation, but also the subsequent analysis and optimization of advertisements.

The great advantage of advertising on social media are the data treasures of the social networks. For example, ads can be played out based on interests, the place of residence, the age of users. The more precise the information, the more specific the target group, the more precise an ad can be.

Example: a fashion brand advertises Black Friday and shopping events in individual cities. Berlin users get a picture with Alexanderplatz and the TV tower. Hamburgers get a photo of their city center, as do Cologneers, Düsseldorfers and Munichers. People naturally feel more attracted to a picture of their city than to a general picture.

This is how social media advertising works.

Influencer Marketing

The second important tool for building reach for a brand is influencer marketing. Here, social media agencies try to buy targeted placement with influencers. For example, as an Instagram Story or YouTube explainer video. In this way, agencies use the reach (community) of the influencer for customers.

Of course, individual areas of responsibility can also be combined! For example, you could use the content of the influencer and thus place social media advertising to people who follow the influencer. Because usually only 10 to 20% of the followers see the content. The posting usually passes everyone else by. Through the additional paid reach, you can also reach the last 80 to 90%.

This is what makes social media marketing with all its facets, from community building and management to advertising and influencer marketing, so interesting for companies.

Analyses and regular reporting

Lastly, content is not only planned and published by social media agencies, of course it is also analyzed and evaluated afterwards. What worked? What didn’t? From these findings, the social media strategy can be adapted and optimized.

Social media agency: tasks & services

You can see how extensive the tasks of a social media agency are. Let’s summarize the services again here:

  • Social media strategy and guidelines
  • Create editorial plan
  • Write and publish articles
  • Community management and communication
  • Test new platforms
  • Crisis communication (recognizing and managing shitstorms)
  • Social Media Ads
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Analyses and regular reporting

Agencies: Marketing, Media & Advertising

Agencies – Media, Advertising & Marketing, there are so many, different types of agencies. As a model you will work with many agencies on photo shoots, fashion shows or commercials on set. Here’s a little overview for you.