Inbound Marketing Agency: Content, Marketing, New Customers – Tasks

Inbound Marketing Agency – Brands need one thing above all: awareness and reach! If no one knows about your product, who’s going to buy it? Inbound marketing agencies are often booked for this. Learn a little more about their tasks and services for their clients here. Maybe you’ll run into someone from an inbound marketing agency in one of your next modelcastings or jobs. Back to all: Marketing Agencies.

What are the goals of an inbound marketing agency?

First, a quick explanation: What are the goals of an inbound marketing agency? The goals are quite clear: the aim is to build up reach in order to achieve deals. Such a deal can be the booking of a workshop, the purchase of a ticket or the sale of a fashion item in the online store. The technical term for this is conversion. The higher the conversion, the better.

The goals at a glance:

  • Attract traffic
  • Convert visitors
  • Develop leads
  • Close customers
  • Inspire customers

How does she go about it?

What makes an inbound marketing agency nearby?

What does an inbound marketing agency do?

For inbound marketing agencies to achieve their objective, they use various methodologies in online marketing.

Content marketing: good texts and content

Content marketing is the foundation for inbound marketing agencies. Because without good content you have nothing to work with. This can be the benefits on a page in the online store, guides in the integrated blog (for search engine optimization) or even new ideas for Instagram.

This content is made to attract new users to the brand. Placement in search engines, through good and informative blog posts. New posts on Instagram are given additional advertising budget, so that they reach people who do not yet know the brand.

There are no limits to creativity, small animated gifs, videos, sometimes even entire documentaries on YouTube.

With good content, it can then go into the second phase. Generate reach and deals (conversion).

Lead generation

Let’s first clarify: what is a lead?

The goal of the inbound marketing agency is reach. It ensures that individual users come to the online store or social media channels. Once such a user is there, it is a lead. Simply put, the person is there now, but has not yet bought.

Various strategies are used for this. E.g. search engine optimization, social media marketing, in some cases contacts are also bought from others, for example through advertisements in trade magazines or placements on other channels, as is the case with influencers.

The goal of lead generation is therefore to acquire people who should buy something in the next step.

Find your marketing agency!

Now in FIV Magazine, the top 100 agencies for marketing:

SEO / SEA: Search Engine Marketing

The technical term SEO stands for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is about offering users good content point. For example, on certain topics, how do I learn to play the guitar? Companies then produce content exactly for this topic and try to be placed as high in the search results as possible. People who want to learn to play the guitar end up on the company’s website and are theoretically just one click away from buying a guitar or accessories themselves.

The technical term SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising, i.e. advertisements in search engines such as Google. In addition to the search results, which are placed high by good content, search engines also play advertisements from advertising partners. The big advantage here is that you don’t have to work long hours to get to the top, you can get right in front of the competition because the ads are usually above the other search results.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an essential tool for many companies today. In the process, the mix of social networks has become ever larger. Today, companies have to choose between Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Pinterest, Twitter and many other social networks.

For lead generation, social media apps are an excellent tool for reaching people. After all, this is where a lot of data lies, such as age, interests, and places of residence, which inbound marketing agencies can use to reach people precisely.

Marketing Automation

Once users are collected, it’s also about keeping them in a meaningful flow. For example, if a user is already in the fashion online store and is looking at a few products. Small popups can be used to request the name and email address, for example with the message “So you never miss a bargain again!”.

As soon as I have signed up for this email newsletter, the automation can start. The user gets the first email and depending on whether the user clicks, doesn’t click, or which link they click, they are categorized. Are you looking more at shoes, jackets or accessories? Do you click on men, women, unisex? Depending on this, users receive individualized messages in the second step, for example, specifically for sneaker fans. Here, too, you can filter in the second step, does someone like certain colors, are you interested in a certain size?

All messages are automated and appear depending on what the user does or does not do.

Inbound Marketing Agency: Tasks & Services

That’s what an inbound marketing agency does.

  • Content marketing
  • Lead generation
  • SEO / SEA: Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Marketing Automation

Agencies: Marketing, Media & Advertising

Agencies – Media, Advertising & Marketing, there are so many, different types of agencies. As a model you will work with many agencies on photo shoots, fashion shows or commercials on set. Here’s a little overview for you.