E-commerce agency: online store, management, marketing – tasks

E-commerce agency – Which brand still sells something without an online store today? It doesn’t matter if it’s small retailers at Amazon, fashion brands at online retailers like AboutYou and Zalando or even your own online store. If you work as a model for a model agency, you will meet many agency representatives. Sometimes there is also someone from an e-commerce agency on site. So that you know approximately what an e-commerce agency does, what their tasks and services are, here’s an overview for you! Back to all: Marketing Agencies.

What are the goals of an e-commerce agency?

Online shopping is the typical way we shop today. The competition is fierce. That’s why companies book e-commerce agencies. They develop online stores and improve them so that buyers have a nice and worry-free shopping experience.

What makes an e-commerce agency nearby?

What does an e-commerce agency do?

What tasks does an e-commerce agency perform for its clients? Here is an overview!

Online store creation and web design

Central for an e-commerce agency is of course the creation of online stores for customers. There are various systems that are used for this, but ultimately everything leads to one thing: You as a customer have a great shopping experience.

To achieve this, e-commerce agencies pay attention to various aspects, including the graphic design of the online store and the usability (ease of use) of the online store. Merchandise management systems run in the background to ensure that orders are processed and the inventory is correct.

In further steps, the focus is then also on topics such as newsletter marketing, so that visitors are addressed again. Social networks are also integrated so that visitors can be addressed again by advertisements on their social media apps. There are also coupons… E-commerce agencies have many tasks!

Then it’s back from the online world to the offline world, the warehouse. Orders have to be taken, delivery bills printed, packages packed and shipped. For this, too, the right interfaces are needed, e.g. for DHL, UPS and other mail order companies.

This is how a turnkey online store is created!

The best marketing agencies

Now in FIV Magazine, the top 100 agencies for marketing:

Marketplace optimization

Today, many retailers no longer sell only on their own online store, but also go to other platforms.

You’re probably familiar with some of the big marketplaces, such as Amazon, Ebay, or even Wish. There are even shopping options on social media apps, like Instagram. Here, the online store has to be linked to the respective marketplaces so that orders and inventory are synchronized.

By selling additionally on other marketplaces, online retailers can gain additional customers for themselves. For example, if a fashion retailer for accessories uses its own online store, additionally sells on Amazon and gains extra new customers for itself here.

Performance / Conversion and Usability Optimization

To make online stores better and better, many e-commerce agencies also deal with the topic of performance and conversion optimization. It sounds complex at first, but it’s really quite simple. It’s all about selling as much as possible.

A simple example: a retailer builds a nice home page with the current winter collection. 6 months later it is summer, 30 degrees and people don’t need winter jackets but light clothes. If the start page is not changed, people will not feel addressed and will go to another online store. Just by changing the current collection spring, summer, fall and winter, the sales rate can be increased. This improved the performance and optimized the conversion (deals).

Example of usability optimization

Now let’s move on to a simple example of usability optimization. Let’s stay on our home page. Suppose we were to show 50 products directly on the home page, right on the first screen to be seen. Those 50 images would be small, you could barely see the products, there would be way too much choice. If we focus the home page on two important products that can be seen at first glance, we have easy entry and quick perception. Accordingly, the use was simplified, usability optimized.

Search engine optimization

Another important task is search engine optimization. The better an online store is placed in the search results, i.e. the higher the store is ranked in the results, the better

Every day, hundreds of millions of search queries are submitted to search engines such as Google, Duck Duck Go, Bing. For search engine optimization, e-commerce agencies therefore focus on covering as many specific search queries as possible. For example, on a single product page. Here, not only a single photo of a product is published, but also a small text is written, the brand, the shoe size noted, the color and so on.

As soon as someone then starts searching for a Nike sneaker red, for example, the probability of being high up in the search results is higher than an online store that has only uploaded a photo and the price.

So it’s all about information in text form. Blog articles, guides, but also product pages.

The important thing here is that it’s not about quantity, but about quality. The better users are informed about a certain topic, the higher the online store is placed in the search results.

E-Commerce Agency: Tasks & Services

These were the most important tasks and services of an e-commerce agency. E-commerce agencies are important partners, especially for the big fashion brands. If you ever meet a person from an e-commerce agency at a model casting or job, you now know roughly what they do.

Creation and consulting:

  • Online store creation
  • Web design
  • Marketplace optimization
  • Performance / Conversion Optimization
  • Usability optimization
  • Web controlling and web analysis
  • Search engine optimization

Agencies: Marketing, Media & Advertising

Agencies – Media, Advertising & Marketing, there are so many, different types of agencies. As a model you will work with many agencies on photo shoots, fashion shows or commercials on set. Here’s a little overview for you.