FIV Magazine Germany Podcast with Ella / VR Model! Stream on Spotify, Deezer, Google + Apple

Travel Podcast by Ella (Berlin) – You may have seen Zoe’s first podcast last week. Even better, the first AI podcast (that is, with artificial intelligence). Zoe is now presenting travel tips in FIV Magazine USA. Zoe’s travel tips are now available in German, presented by Ella! Now you can hear her voice for the […]

FIV Magazine USA Podcast with Zoe / VR Model! Stream on Spotify, Deezer, Google + Apple

Travel Podcast by Zoe (USA) – Exactly 12 months ago last year, Zoe had her first fashion show at Fashion Week in Moscow, then just two weeks later at Fashion Week in Berlin. Now she has her first podcast! For FIV Magazine, she now presents travel destinations from all over the world, on Spotify, Deezer, […]

RTL (TV): Virtual influencers – TV interview with agency head Stephan M. Czaja

Our last TV highlight this year! RTL was a guest in our model agency to learn more about virtual influencers. So from 15 minutes of interview finally become 3 broadcast minutes, with strong insights into our development with Ella & Zoe. Their first jobs at the Berlin Fashion Week, Moscow Fashion Week and also in […]

Virtual Avatars Interview! 6 Questions about VR Models: First Jobs & Campaigns

Virtual Avatars – Over a year of development, investment, hard work, phone calls and of course creative concepts, that’s how long it took until the idea of Virtual Reality became reality. In spring it finally happened, the first virtual fashion show of MarcCain at the Berlin Fashion Week, with our Zoe and three other digital […]

“Virtual Influencers Conquer Instagram with Storytelling” – LOUT Magazine

“Today three more virtual influencers come to life”, the headline in LOUT Magazine. Yesterday the first commercial with Ella was released! As a virtual influencer she sets new standards. She is not designed with programs, but generated by program code. Lil Miquela now has almost 3 million followers. At the same time, the new trilogy […]

Laura Offermann: Social Star, Teen Model and now with FIV Cover!

How often do you find a real rough diamond? Not often! So we’re all the more proud that Laura Offermann is with us now! Perfect measurements, many talents like Taekwondo (Martial Arts) and languages. She loves to spend time on the beach with her family while surfing. The perfect mix to start as a model […]

3 days of a models life! Short film with Chand Smith

Today we present a short film about the life of a model! We have accompanied Chand Smith, an international top model, for 3 days and documented the model day. Chand is distributed in 8 different agencies all over the world. The fashion- and sportmodel was now in Germany for a job and tells us about […]

Luisa x LANA Magazine in Paris: Spring is coming!

2019 is only a few days old and already there is a new magazine release with our Luisa! This time from beautiful Paris, with spring and looks for the coming weeks. The LANA Magazine appears throughout the Middle East. Here are a few excerpts from the current issue. Here you come directly to Luisas photos. […]

Jeremy Fragrance: From Model to International Influencer

With so many different fragrances out there, it’s hard to keep track. Above all, it is difficult to find the right one for the given occasion. A scent remains in the memory of an encounter. Nobody can help you with this topic better than perfume specialist Jeremy Fragrance. Jeremy Fragrance – Model Jeremy Fragrance – […]

CM goes Fashion TV – Videos from Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, New York

Another new, mega deal! CM Models goes Fashion TV. See our models worldwide on Fashion TV! Thanks to our in-house media production, we provide our models with a good model book (photos, videos, introduction, Polaroids, etc.) as quickly as possible. This also includes first-class fashion movies to see our models in motion, with facial expressions […]

Bravo Magazine: CM among the Top 10 Modeling Agencies 2018

How wonderful is that? If there is a model agency recommendation for young models, then we are! Especially for fast-moving TV. Only 3 years ago we were founded and already we are internationally active, from Tokyo to Los Angeles. After various top lists we are now listed for the second time in the Bravo as […]

Fashion trends for men, Michalsky’s new book and Justin Bieber’s latest Instagram posting

Today it’s all about the men. Michael Michalskys is known mainly from Germany’s Next Top Model, but the juror and designer has just released his own book ‘Let’s talk about style’, matching the latest trend in men’s fashion in 2018. And what’s up with Justin Bieber? He postpated a edited image of himself as a […]

Curvy Model Casting Berlin Backstage with FIV and Iconista (WELT, N24)

Berlin – Curvy Models or Plus-Size are called models with a clothing size from 38 or Curvy from 40. Both types correspond to the ‘normal’ woman, who has an average clothing size of 42/44 in Germany. We and our clients are booking more and more curvy women and are happy about new talents who never […]

Is real life as a model more exciting than Germanys Next Topmodel?

Wie Models leben, zeigt die TV-Sendung “Germanys Next Topmodel” nun schon seit über zehn Jahren. Jedes Jahr laden die Produzenten der TV-Produktion für Nachwuchsmodelle zum offenen Casting. Tausende junger Frauen und Mädchen stürmen zu den Castings in Deutschlands Metropolen. Natürlich schaffen nur wenige den Sprung in den Recall, noch weniger in die finalen Shows. Jedes […]

Influencer Marketing: Successful on the Net | ZDF

Influencer marketing is growing in importance for many fashion companies, advertising agencies, but also very traditional companies such as travel providers. Together with our employee Soraya and our Social Media Agency, we were guests on ZDF. In the TV feature “Influencer: Successful on the Net”, the team interviewed our up-and-coming Influencer

Cover! Lisa NG for FIV Magazine + exclusiv interview: Leas American Dream in LA

New publication in FIV Magazine for our models Janine and Lisa. We ware very proud to see you on the #2 Cover of the new magazine, which is available in USA, UK and Germany as well. If you like to see the full photo series, follow this link to FIV Magazine #2

In fashion the music plays: Musicians instead of Influencers – Interview with CM Modelagent Stephan

In the magazine Textilwirtschaft there is now an interesting article on the “comeback” of music stars in advertising. Stars like Elli Goulding (Deichmann) and A$ap Rocky (Zalando) can be seen in the current campaigns of fashion chains. After the last Stylebook interview on the current Asos campaign with Thi Thuy, Jordyn Woods and Joshua Williams, […]

Curvy Models! The interview with Oliver Rudolph in FIV Magazine #backstage

Curvy Models – Oliver Rudolph, CM Photographer & Creative Arts Director interviewed by Soraya Wanya (FIV Magazine). “We have conducted an exclusive interview for you with […] Oliver Rudolph around the topic of Curvy! Curvy Models, the trend is increasingly conquering the model world. […] Who knows better about models and the model world than […]

Model coaching 2017 for our new faces with top coaches

Once a year, the big CM Model Coaching for our New Faces is ready. With absolute top coaches and motivated young models who want to make the jump to the model. Photoshootings, runways, large campaigns. New Faces dream of doing so at the beginning of their careers

Interview with BenVentures: CM Modelagent about the agency and the everyday life of models #backstage

Our model agent Stephan was interview guest at Ben Hammer today! For 45 minutes it went into the studio to talk about our model agency “CM Models” and my new book “The Model Book”. In the podcast – compared to magazines or TV – you really have time, even to go into detail on topics. […]

Bravo Magazine: CM is now one of the ten leading modeling agencies in Germany

OMG. What should we say, OMG! One of Germanys top magazines for trends and young people just voted us to the top leading modeling agencies in Germany!! Bravo and Bravo Girl: We are now officially in the ranking of the 10 best model agencies in Germany. An absolute honor for us and our models!

Planning a fashion show – Agency experience, planning, and presentation of high-quality fashion.

Fashion Show Agency – Before a fashion show can take place in Berlin, Hamburg or Munich, a lot has to be planned and organized. Every fashion show is unique – we as an agency make sure that nothing goes wrong during the expiration. The designers and organizers contacted months before the event, planning everything down […]

Interview in Stylebook on the new Asos campaign with Jordyn Woods, Joshua Williams and Thi Thuy.

Plus Size, Tattoos, Influencer – Bei Castings und Jobs lieben Modelagentur Booker und Kunden das berühmte “Never seen before”. Muss man heutzutage noch zwingend der Norm entsprechen, dem klassischen Schönheitsideal? Im Interview für eine großen Nachrichtenagentur haben wir ein paar interessante Auszüge und Einblicke

Advertising, Models, Lifestyle! Function in the marketing mix

Advertising agencies – advertising is a broad branch in the field of marketing. But what does everything count among them? And why is advertising one of the best paid jobs in the model business? In addition to poster advertising, flyers, catalogues, advertisements and general print advertising, advertising clips, both for TV and the Internet, are […]

Cover for Marie! Institute Magazine: Beauty Rebel

Wow! Our Marie, who has just turned their second European campaign with Johanna and Hannes in Berlin, you now see on the cover of the Institute Magazines! Thanks to Oliver Rudolph for the wonderful cooperation. Just like our Make-Up & Hair Queen Astrid Jerschitz.

Become a model! The Stylight interview with model agent Stephan

Welche Voraussetzungen muss man als Model eigentlich mitbringen? Diese Frage haben wir in unserer Agentur tagtäglich. Auf Stylight, der Mode Online Plattform, verraten wir jetzt alle Basics zum Thema Voraussetzungen zum Model werden.

After the catwalk – Radio Interview with our Model Booker

Heute morgen waren wir wieder einmal live zu hören im DRadio Wissen. CM Modelagent Stephan Czaja war zu Gast zur Frage: Was machen Models nach der Karriere? Bleibt man als Model in der Branche? Sucht man sich einen Job? Oder geht man studieren? Sowie bei Fußballern und Sportlern startet die Karriere eines Models schon in […]

Interview about the success story of our model agency – now on

Today we were in a new interview, but this time it was not about fashion and advertising, but about how we made and built CM Models big. To be precise, it’s about what our recipe for success is. Agency head Stephan M. Czaja on success factors for companies and start-ups Besides the whole fashion world […]

Hannelore Kraft: The Minister President (NRW) visits our model agency

Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft (SPD) zu Besuch in unserer Modelagentur! Eine Ministerpräsidentin trifft man nicht jeden Tag – schon gar nicht in der eigenen Agentur. Doch am 11. August stand sie plötzlich in der Tür – Wow! Die nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsidentin ist Hannelore Kraft höchstpersönlich. Mit großer Entourage: Securities in schwarzen Anzügen, zwei Polizeiautos, Fotokameras und viel […]

Interview in StartupValley Magazine Berlin about our model agency

Jetzt neu im Berliner StartupValley Magazin, das Interview mit Modelagent Stephan. Das erste Interview von CM Models in Berlin. Danke an die Redaktion und Redakteurin Sabine Elsässer. Das Magazin richtet sich speziell an Jungunternehmer und Startups. Deshalb gibt Stephan auch Einblicke in die Gründungsphase im vergangenen Jahr, einen Rückblick

Cologne Showroom – Fashion Show, Networking, Music & Drinks by CM

Cologne Showroom – Photos of Michael Vanya / 04.03. (spring / summer)

Präsentiert wurde die neue Frühjahr-Sommer-Kollektion des Athener Labels BSB, mit Models unserer Agentur und Styling von die maske. Get together! Vielen Dank an Fotograf Michael Vanya für diese tollen Aufnahmen vom Event.

Interview: CM Models Head Booker Stephan Czaja

Letzte Woche war Agentur Head Booker Stephan Czaja im Interview für die Köln Nachrichten. Was unsere Modelagentur vor allem auszeichnet, ist der rasante Aufstieg als ernstzunehmende, seriöse Agentur in Deutschland und Europa. Wir haben gerne die Fragen beantwortet und auch ein paarEinblicke gegeben in das Leben eines jungen, engagierten Modelagenten geben können. Mit einer 70 […]

Youngster goes TV – RTL & Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehn

Wir trafen unser Newface Model zum ersten Mal bei einem unserer offenen Agentur-Castings. Seine besondere Art verzauberte jeden noch im ersten Augenblick – dem Augenblick, als eine schöne, junge Frau den Raum betritt. Mit gewellten, schulterlangen blonden Haar, dem dezenten Leberfleck auf der Wange, mit Hut und High-Heels. Kurz: Wow, sie wird ein Model!

Whoopy in the music video “Baby Got Pretzels” / ZDF

Heute Abend um 22:15 Uhr ist Premiere für Whoopys Musikvideo im Katy Perry Stil! Das NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE (ZDF/ZDFneo) präsientiert zur Late Night immer wieder feinste Fernsehnunterhaltung. Schon zwei Stunden vor Ausstrahlung ist das NEO MAGAZIN ROYALE aber schon auf Youtube (klick hier). Whoopy ist als Model der Traum des Moderators Jan Böhmermann – wir […]