Jeremy Fragrance: From Model to International Influencer

With so many different fragrances out there, it’s hard to keep track. Above all, it is difficult to find the right one for the given occasion. A scent remains in the memory of an encounter. Nobody can help you with this topic better than perfume specialist Jeremy Fragrance.

Who’s Jeremy?

Jeremy Fragrance was born on 05.02.1989, 1.90m tall, blue eyes, trained and single. Originally he worked as a model for CM Models. Then 4 years ago came the spontaneous idea – why not make a Youtube channel and give men tips about styling and perfume? That’s how it all started, nobody could have guessed that his channel would catapult up so fast. Today he travels around the world in a tailor-made designer suit, this year alone he has already been to New York 5 times. He also had a Ferrari in between and lives the life thousands of young people dream of. He regularly uploads new videos to his channel, where he tests different fragrances or asks other people for their unbiased opinions about fragrances, mostly women are asked about men’s perfumes – what they think about it and whether they would like to smell it on a man.

Jeremy’s morning routine

You don’t become a perfume professional overnight, you have to train your sense of smell. In his office in Hangelar (North Rhine-Westphalia), he believes that his long shelf contains the 100 best perfumes in the world. On another sideboard next to the impressive perfume collection are the 55 most important fragrance oils. Time for his morning routine – each bottle is gradually opened and smelled. As soon as a mistake is made in the assignment, ten push-ups are made and it starts all over again. Only in this way can he guarantee that he can always give his viewers the best tips – says Jeremy.

The Successes of Jeremy Fragrance

With 500,000 followers on Youtube, which are constantly increasing, he is considered the largest perfume influencer in the industry and that worldwide. So it’s hard to say exactly what his successes are, because his whole career seems like one big success. Still, there are a few moments that stand out. Only this year he won the Consumer Choice Award of the Fragrance Foundation and flew to New York, where he was awarded the prize for his Vlog “5 Reasons to wear Fragrances”. His video “Top 10 Most Complimented Best Mens Fragrances of all Time” has an incredible 2.8 million views and is the most watched video on his channel. Last month he was also on German television again on RTL Exklusiv, where he was widely reported as the biggest influencer of his genre. Now he is working with the “Michael Jackson of the perfume industry” on his own fragrance, which is due to be launched in 2019. His demands on his own fragrance are very high, it only comes out when he thinks it is the best fragrance in the world. That sounds like a pretty high goal, but for someone who only ever gives 100% like Jeremy achievable – we are excited!

What does Jeremy Fragrance do in his spare time?

Jeremy doesn’t really need time to “switch off”, as his job as a perfume influencer is far too much fun for him. It’s a full-time job and hobby. For fun he never goes out to eat or play billiards, in the evening he rather deals with comments under his videos, which he reads himself, which takes a lot of time. Almost every day Jeremy goes to the gym, he attaches great importance to living a healthy life. Complete renunciation of alcohol, smoking and only Matscha tea and healthy food. That requires a lot of discipline, but Mr Fragrance has it.

The video shoot of a successful Youtubers

We accompanied Jeremy during the shooting of his latest Youtube video and had a look behind the scenes. It was very interesting and surprising how such a successful Youtuber makes his videos – completely spontaneous. Camera set down, light briefly adjusted and “start” pressed. A totally relaxed one was finished after 2 minutes – you would think there is an incredible amount of preparation every time, but that’s not how it is. Just a lot of experience. After that follows the turning off of the content, also that is fast turned off and already he has a video. Of course it still has to be cut, but that’s no problem for a professional like Jeremy. Of course the question arises – don’t you run out of ideas when you talk so much about perfume? Jeremy’s answer to that is a clear no. When you’re behind a topic like him, you always have something to say.

What makes Jeremy Fragrance?

Why is he so successful? That’s a question you don’t have to ask yourself once you’ve seen a video of the influencer. Charming, funny and authentic – that’s Jeremy. If he is more than 01:59min late, he does 20 push-ups, that must be and requires a lot of discipline. However, this is invited without exception, even if it happens at a prize-giving ceremony in New York in front of running cameras. It’s also important to know that Jeremy never gets paid for his opinion by perfume manufacturers, that’s something he really values. He wants to give an unbiased, honest opinion about scents to his viewers and that’s exactly what he does. From women’s fragrances to men’s fragrances you will find everything you only want to know about the topic in his videos. If he were to accept such deals, he would no longer be able to remain true to his own concept, and that is what matters most to him. How it goes on with Jeremy and what he will achieve in the future you can see on his Youtube-Channel.

More from Jeremy Fragrence:

Jeremy at RTL Exclusiv – Docu in Monaco