Endurance – training and workouts for women: Dancing & Cardio

Endurance Training – Cardio and Workouts. There are several reasons to start endurance training. For many women it is the desire to lose weight, to keep fit or just to clear their head. You can do your endurance training anywhere and at any time. If you like to be out in the fresh air, running, biking or hiking are great options. The classics running and cycling can also be trained at home with different exercises. These endurance workouts are perfect if you want to become a model in Berlin, Cologne or Milan, for example. You train with these exercises the optimal figure for your modeling career. In this video we show you the best workouts to increase your endurance. Back to the workout guide.

Happy Dance Workout with Pamela Reif

Feeling lazy? or unmotivated? then do this dance workout! It may take you 1 or 2 times to get a few moves down. But it’s so much fun! The best part is that while you’re dancing, you’re also burning a lot of calories at the same time.

Beginners Cardio Workout with Mad Fit

You would like to have a better condition and endurance? Then do the exercises in this 15 minute video from fitness YouTuber Mad Fit.

Intensive Cardio Workout – 30 minutes

If you want to really sweat and burn a lot of calories, this 30 minute cardio workout is for you.

Endurance training on the treadmill

Train your endurance with a HIIT workout on the treadmill. What awaits you:

  • 5 minutes walking with incline
  • 30 seconds sprint, 30 seconds rest
  • 5 minutes walking with incline and without hands
  • 20 seconds sprint, 10 seconds rest
  • Increase speed more and more

Workout Tips: Sports and more

More workout tips! Each of us should keep fit regularly to strengthen the health and the body. Here you will find everything about fitness, whether exercises for the back, the abdomen or the legs. Get inspired by our workout plans and get fit for the summer.