Shopping Guide: New York, Paris & London – Shopping Streets, Fashion Stores & Outlets

Shopping Guide – You are fascinated by fashion and designer goods and want to prepare yourself for a shopping trip to one of the biggest fashion cities in the world. Whether it’s Louis Vuitton in New York, Vivienne Westwood in London or Dior, Chanel and Maison Margiela in Paris, you’ll find everything you need to know for a successful shopping trip in our shopping guide. More designer brands in our brand lists!

Paris: shopping district, designer fashion & vintage

Paris – the birthplace of haute couture and for centuries the capital of fashion. Be it the kings in the 18th century or the rich high society of entrepreneurs and fashionistas.

The best shopping streets in Paris

The city’s fashion is considered elegant, romantic and chic. Subtle colors and stylish cuts dominate the fashion here. You can see these also in Paris noble afterlife. It doesn’t matter whether you go to the restaurant at the Eiffel Tower or to the ceremonial opening of an art exhibition in an important gallery. In the clothes of the top designers in Paris you can let it rip and still be tastefully dressed.

So that you can equip yourself perfectly for your trip to Paris and also experience the full shopping fun there, you can find here our shopping tips especially for your Paris trip.

If you want to find out the best places in the French capital, here is a map of the city.

New York: shoe stores, malls & outlets

New York – the city that can do bigger, higher and faster with the best. In the 1920s, New York was the largest city in the world and the symbol of the American dream. This means that you can become rich very quickly through hard work and the good environment, America. Social life took place there like nowhere else.

Famous stores in New York

Basic features of it can still be found in the city life of the metropolis. It’s all about young, new and unusual ideas. Also in fashion. The different styles of the city are incredibly diverse and different. Often casual street styles, which are super practical for the fast-paced life in the big city, are spiced up with fancy accessories.

You also want to be part of the eventful life of the megacity? Here you will find the hottest shopping locations in New York.

And with this map you can then plan your shopping trip extensively.

London: shopping destinations, highlights & shopping streets

London – Provocation, novelty, and the unusual are writ large here. London was one of the first to take up the social developments of the 60s for more personal freedom. Thus, the British capital with the lifelike and rebellious fashion became a serious competitor for Paris.

The most popular shopping centers in London

One of the main mottos is to mix new and old. So stylish vintage clothing combined with the latest trends. The focus is on experimentation and creativity. The unusual combinations offer inspiration for all fashion fans.

We have also put together a shopping guide for London for you. There you will find the best places for your very special and fashion-conscious London tour.

The best way to find the best locations is on a map, like this one.