Full body – training and workouts for men: 10 minutes & calorie consumption

Full body training – healthy and fit through everyday life. Working out with your own body weight will immediately help you achieve a healthier and stronger body. A full body workout at home has many advantages. You can start anytime and anywhere, you don’t need a subscription, no excuses and no travel costs. If the home workout is too little and too boring for you, you can use weights in the form of water bottles or a filled backpack as additional weight, so you build up muscles even more intensively. These workouts are perfect if you want to become a model in Düsseldorf, Cologne or London. You train with these exercises the optimal figure for your model career. Back to the workout guide.

10 minutes workout before going to sleep

Be ready for one of the best home workouts for your body! The best thing about this workout is that you train your whole body with it. A workout you can do anytime and anywhere, even before bed! Ideally, you should do this workout 2-3 times a week to get results.

30 minutes killer workout

A high intensity cardio workout using your own body weight. Get your heart rate up with high knees, fast footwork and jumps, as well as your core and lower body with lunges and planks. You don’t need a lot of space or equipment for this workout.

Your summer figure with a simple full body workout

Intense 5-minute workout. A workout where you can burn a lot of calories in just a few minutes. Follow through to get closer to your dream figure. Consistency and discipline is the key to success.

Workout to burn fat

You want to get your whole body fit? Then this workout is just right for you.

Workout Tips: Endurance and more

More workout tips! Here’s more on workouts and fitness. A full body workout also includes endurance. Also, more workouts and workouts for men.