Media Agency: Advertising, Shooting and Social Media Marketing

Media agencies do not just design concepts, they implement all ideas, plans and strategies profitably. Media planning and production then covers all key audiences, channels and KPIs. This saves customers valuable time. Because many time-consuming agreements between the individual agencies fall through the comprehensive services of a full service media agency. They provide a complete […]

PHC Pacific Healthcare x Verona Pooth with Diana! Shooting & Backstage Video

PHC originated as a brand in California (USA), more precisely Los Angeles. However, it is developed in Germany! Verona Pooth now stands as the new advertising face behind the brand. With her at the first shooting, our Diana! Here the clip, to the first campaign of PHC in Germany. Now the campaign starts and we […]

Fashion Boutiques in Düsseldorf: Fashion Clinic, Clubkid & Co

Düsseldorf – Welcome to the Königsallee! The smallest of all fashion metropolises is located in North Rhine-Westphalia and yet enchants hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The famous shopping mile “KÖ” is located here in the city centre, the Königsallee. In the middle of Düsseldorf’s city centre, you can shop here extensively and examine […]

Shopping in Düsseldorf: Shopping at the Kö, Medienhafen, Boutiques & Second-Hand

Düsseldorf – Let’s face it, outside of fashion Düsseldorf is often overlooked in favour of Cologne. But when it comes to fashion, Düsseldorf is unbeatable – Hugo Boss, C&A, P&C to name but a few. The elegant, urban-modern city is located on the eastern bank of the Rhine. The German advertising and fashion industry has […]

Cinema evening in Düsseldorf: UFA-Palast or Bambi Filmpalast

You come home from a relaxing shopping trip and still want to do something relaxing with your friends, but to do something outside the weather is not good enough? How about a relaxing visit to the cinema? Delicious ice cream, sweet popcorn or spicy nachos? Sounds great, doesn’t it? Here are the most popular and […]

Gosee! The job interview in the modeling agency

You did it and you were invited to an interview in the modeling agency? Excellent! Now it’s about making a first good impression! How you can optimally prepare for your first meeting, you will find out here. How do you prepare for the job interview? The first thing you should do is to find out […]

How to become a model at 14 years: School first!

If you want to become a model at 14, that is quite a good age to start. Normally at this age you are still in school, so you have 3-4 years to take a look in to the model world and do smaller jobs on the weekend or during your holidays. You have enough time […]

Restaurants in Düsseldorf: On the banks of the Rhine, or directly in the city centre!

Models in Dusseldorf – A visit to the beautiful city on the Rhine is definitely worth it! What town are we talking about? Of course from Düsseldorf! The Rhineland metropolis offers delicacies for every taste. Are you looking for a snack in between, or a dinner spot in the evening? I’m sure you’ll find something […]

Cafés in Düsseldorf: Königsallee & Co.

Models in Dusseldorf – You are looking for sweet seductions in Düsseldorf, but don’t want to have a guilty conscience while enjoying it? We have compiled a list of the best cafés for you, so that you can feast without worries. Just test your way through the small cafés and Delis is the city on […]

First fashion job for Peek & Cloppenburg: Paulina takes off!

You can be proud of our Paulina! She had her last job for Peek & Cloppenburg and more will certainly follow in the future. Like a true professional she rocked on set for the most different fashion brands. Sometimes casual in sport trousers and cap, then again chic in trench coat and blouse: Paulina simply […]

The start of the casting series in Cologne – impressions, facts and more!

Our casting series across Germany and Europe had its start last weekend in Cologne! Numerous applicants and applicants came by to take their chance in front of the jury. Once the first step was done with the registration, it went on to the waiting area. Every applicant got a number with which he was called. […]

Requirements of modeling: Height, age and measurement

Model Measurements & Body Size – The classic model career every up-and-coming model dreams of almost always depends exclusively on the model’s body size. There are only a few exceptions, perhaps one in a thousand, who made it anyway due to their special nature. Everybody knows supermodel Kate Moss. She combines everything: a special look, […]

3 Tips for Business Registration – Become a Model under 18?

You want to become a model and register your own business at the age of 14, 15 or 16? In the big article on the topic of registering a business (small business) for models, we already took a detailed look at the registration and taxation of jobs. Today we’re going to give you a few […]

10+ fashion advertising agencies in Germany

Advertising agencies are a dime a dozen, but advertising agencies for fashion? As a model agency, we work with agencies all over Germany. Here, too, there are good contacts for fashion designers. Also in the agency sector there are experts and specialists for lifestyle topics and companies in Germany. Whether Berlin, Hamburg, Düsseldorf or Munich, […]

Casting Agency Düsseldorf

Casting agency for Düsseldorf – Thanks to our casting agency, we find the most individual candidates for your project together with your team. We take care of serious placement of cinema actors, models and presenters in TV, magazines and advertising for high-quality brands. Our managers are at your side at all times, whether a casting […]

Model Casting! 11.12. in Cologne with Major (Milan / New York)

OPEN CASTING ♡ We are looking for models for our agency and (drum roll) offer you the direct chance to attend Fashion Week in Berlin, London, Milan and New York! On Sunday, 11.12. we will fly in two bookers from Major (Milan/New York), whom you will meet directly. After having had two great castings in […]

Casting Agency – E-Castings & Live Model Search

Casting Agency – For Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and many other cities we are happy to take over the planning of your model casting. Together with our partner casting agency, we not only support our customers in the selection of a sedcard. Our agency also helps you with larger auditions. Whether fashion show in Berlin or […]

Make-Up Artists / Visagists / Stylists in Düsseldorf

Renommierte Styling Spezialisten empfehlen das Zusammenarbeiten mit CM. Sie setzen immer Trends in Looks um und können so ein neues Lebensgefühl kreieren. Make-Up Artisten und Stylisten sind Erschaffer und Experten in ihrem Metier, überall, in der ganzen Welt.

Become a Model – Small Business

Newfaces, newcomers and younger models are often faced with the question of which legal form is right for you. If the first jobs in a model agency are made, it goes to the fee compensation on the part of your agency. It is advisable to start as a small trader (or small business) at first. […]

Janine on the rooftops of Dusseldorf: Shooting – Video

Hot, hotter, Janine. Our Model Janine shows her latest shooting looks in a short viedo clip! She was on the rooftops of Dusseldorf! New videos of our models, every Sunday on our model agency Youtube Channel. Follow us now > Models Youtube.

Oliver Rudolph: Portrait, Fashion and Commercial Photographer

Oliver Rudolph, 26 years young and from Cologne, has been working as a photographer for eight years. He discovered his passion by chance and thus started as an event photographer in the industry. Not exactly an easy start, since a high willingness to work for little money is often expected. But it didn’t stay that […]

Photokina 2016: The photography fair + Lea live for Hasselblad

Photokina 2016 in Köln – Internationale Fotografen, Kreative und Kamerahersteller treffen sich vom 20. – 25. September um alle wichtigen technische Neuerungen in der Fotografie Welt zu sehen! Kameras, Objekive aber auch neue Trends wie Fotografie mit Drohnen. Auf der Fotografie-Messe finden sich alle namenhaften Hersteller, von Sony über Canon bis hin zu Spezialisten wie […]

Hannelore Kraft: The Minister President (NRW) visits our model agency

Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft (SPD) zu Besuch in unserer Modelagentur! Eine Ministerpräsidentin trifft man nicht jeden Tag – schon gar nicht in der eigenen Agentur. Doch am 11. August stand sie plötzlich in der Tür – Wow! Die nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsidentin ist Hannelore Kraft höchstpersönlich. Mit großer Entourage: Securities in schwarzen Anzügen, zwei Polizeiautos, Fotokameras und viel […]

Our New Faces, now for C&A Clockhouse on Instagram

C&A Clockhouse – the young fashion brand. For the current season several of our models were already in front of the camera for Clockhouse. Young, fresh and trendy, that’s Clockhouse Young Fashion by C&A. The fashion retailer thus also offers its young customers high-quality products. Whether a crazy party outfit for the evening, casual leisure […]

Interview: CM Models Head Booker Stephan Czaja

Letzte Woche war Agentur Head Booker Stephan Czaja im Interview für die Köln Nachrichten. Was unsere Modelagentur vor allem auszeichnet, ist der rasante Aufstieg als ernstzunehmende, seriöse Agentur in Deutschland und Europa. Wir haben gerne die Fragen beantwortet und auch ein paarEinblicke gegeben in das Leben eines jungen, engagierten Modelagenten geben können. Mit einer 70 […]

Become a model! Agency Casting on 19.02. in Cologne (Düsseldorf & Frankfurt)

Model Agency Videos 2015

Unsere Modelagentur ist jetzt 9 Monate im Markt! Wir hatten einige Highlights in diesem Jahr, erste Showrooms, Werbespots. Vielen Dank! Ein paar Fotoshootings unserer Models und New Faces haben wir mit der Kamera für euch begleitet

Model Casting – Live at the Mercedes-Benz Cologne Fashion Days 2015

Model Casting in Düsseldorf

CM Models – Its Casting-Time Again. Am 26.07.15 suchen wir in Düsseldorf nach neuen Male und Female Models. Ab August eröffnet unser Agentur-Zweitsitz im schicken und angesagten Medienhafen in Düsseldorf. Mit Hinblick darauf, veranstalten wir ein großes, offenes Casting. Wenn du Interesse am Model-Business hast und unsere Mindest-Anforderungen erfüllst, dann freuen wir uns dich in […]

Sedcard-Shooting: A multifaceted location and top fashion photographer

A suitcase full of make-up, a motivated model, various picture backdrops. For a sedcard shooting with our model Katie, our CM Models team has pulled it near the Rhine. In Deutz, on an office building forecourt, there is a versatile location which is perfectly suited for a multi-faceted sedcard shooting due to its different backdrops. […]

Model Booking: How do I book a model for photos and advertising?

Models are booked for different jobs under different conditions and expectations. The respective customer has certain ideas and criteria according to which he selects a model. He informs the model agency concerned of his criteria and usually sends a mood board, which tells the agency more about the context of the assignment. There are basically […]

Photo shooting in the desert (Germany) with Marie Dahmen

Two models, two photographers, one sensational location. Our desert shooting yesterday in Frechen with two of our New Faces and the girls from “City Boutiques” was a complete success. Here is a brief summary of the most exciting moments behind the scenes. Have a look at the final pictures below and read how such a […]

1×1 of small photography: aperture, shutter speed, ISO value

Mit ein paar Tricks kann jeder tolle Bilder machen, ob Portraits von Familienmitgliedern oder für das eigene Modelbook. Photoblog Hamburg hat vor kurzem eine kleine Schaugrafik veröffentlicht zum Thema: Grundlagen der Fotografie, das kleine 1×1 basierend auf Grundlagen zum Thema Blende, Verschlusszeit und ISO-Wert. Wir haben extra ein kleines Makeover gemacht und wünschen euch viel […]

Top 10 – Fashion Magazine Germany

Fashion Magazines – We wanted to know who’s a nose ahead of the rest. What is en vogue? Who has the top current trends in fashion, beauty and entertainment? Good question! That’s why Mirijam did some research and rummaged through all the relevant fashion magazines on the newspaper shelf. Print is classic – but those […]