1×1 of small photography: aperture, shutter speed, ISO value

Mit ein paar Tricks kann jeder tolle Bilder machen, ob Portraits von Familienmitgliedern oder für das eigene Modelbook. Photoblog Hamburg hat vor kurzem eine kleine Schaugrafik veröffentlicht zum Thema: Grundlagen der Fotografie, das kleine 1×1 basierend auf Grundlagen zum Thema Blende, Verschlusszeit und ISO-Wert. Wir haben extra ein kleines Makeover gemacht und wünschen euch viel Spaß und vergnügen mit den Grundlagen der technischen Fotografie. Hier sind ein paar Bascis die euch helfen!

Important: Each setting has effects on the other. That means you need to practice and learn how to use your camera. Still, this guide will help you get the perfect shot for job applications, polaroids, etc. Want to learn how to take photos yourself? You can find more tips, interviews and tutorials for photographers on the blog of PA1 Photographer Agency.

Learning to photograph – The basics for photographers

  1. The aperture
  2. The shutter speed
  3. The ISO value
  4. Infographic

The aperture – settings for the sharpness of your photos

The iris is a mostly mechanical device on cameras. It regulates the passage of light through the lens or optical system. Two circularly arranged blades slide into each other in such a way that the light passage becomes narrower or wider and thus the incident light beam becomes smaller or larger. The exposure time and depth of field depend primarily on the choice of f-number. The f-number indicates the ratio of the focal length to the aperture opening.

*Lukinski, wikipedia

Fotografie Crashkurs: Blende

Shutter speed – Capturing the perfect moment

The shutter speed actually refers to the exposure time. That is, depending on how much time you give the image, it affects the image or motion sharpness. The less exposure time, the sharper fast movements become. The control is either purely mechanical or electronic.


Fotografie Crashkurs: Verschlusszeit

The ISO value – Noise-free photos

Film speed is the light sensitivity of photographic plates and films. It is specified as ISOA higher light sensitivity allows you to take pictures in darker surroundings with the same exposure time or you have to reduce the exposure time with the same brightness.

*Lukinski, wikipedia

Fotografie Crashkurs: ISO

Info graphic to learn photography

Handy packed for your employees, freelancers, interns, students or pupils: The 1×1 Photography Infographic about the basics of photography is available on Photoblog Hamburg.

Fotografie Crashkurs: Schaubild (Verschluss, Blende, ISO)

Inspired by Photoblog Hamburg

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