Model Agency Talents: From Instagram to Tik Tok

Scouting talent as a model agency is not as easy as you might think. For although there are millions of people in the immediate vicinity who have talents, the few special ones, the pearls are hard to find! On the one hand, not everyone assumes that they have the potential to become an international top model, a great influencer, or an actor. Many must have the talent and of course they must be intensively promoted. Our modeling agency specializes in developing talent and bringing it to excellence through individual programs. We represent several categories of talent.

Influencer on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube

Before you have the classic high fashion model in front of your eyes, when you think of a model agency, our management does much more! In addition to our models, we also take care of our bloggers so that they become real influencers through sufficient reach. In addition to promoting young talent, the focus is also on the great talents that already exist, with one million fans and more. Therefore, our work is not only in the field of fashion, but much broader than many would expect at the first thought of a model agency. In the field of technologies, automobiles and real estate, we offer jobs to bloggers so that you can promote the products and brands within your community.

High Fashion Models

Our model agency focuses on the development of young models, the so-called New Faces, in particular on international markets. Because not all models are the same. The first stage consists of regional models who, for example, do jobs for regional companies. Those who make it further can also successfully model in the entire national market, from social media to online shops and advertising. One step further are the international models. Of course, the construction is also the most time-consuming and intensive here. At the same time the success and of course the chance for young models on the international market are the greatest. Because here are the big jobs, from lookbooks for famous designers to advertising campaigns. In addition, one is not only dependent on a national market, but has distributed one’s network over many cities, directly on site. Through the targeted selection of local and regional partners, a very strong network can be established for the model. With every year and every season, you visit your partners for two, or three months. So you always have a little break in the national market, so that the customers look forward to your face again!

Musicians in music management

As a music publisher we also publish a few of our talents as musicians. Because especially talents with a beautiful voice and perhaps the right reach in the social networks, one should promote! Of course, the promotion of musicians and talents is just as intensive as the planning of international high fashion models in the offspring, but the investment is still worth it, because it helps young people to build a sustainable career.

As a music publisher, we not only take care of the right framing, i.e. content, organisation, planning, partners and much more, we are permanent contact persons and 360° partners for customers as well as for our artists.

You are looking for a certain talent?

Just as a model is not a model, talent is not a talent. There are many passions of people who are used for example in advertising, or heard by people, or want to be seen. This includes not only our bloggers and influencers, the high fashion models and the musicians, many more talents are hidden in our model agency:

  • Sports like athletics
  • Martial arts like Ju Jutsu, or Kung Fu
  • Actors for commercials and movies
  • Speakers and speakers for events

Our model agency and managers will help you find the perfect talent quickly and easily.