Our cute New Face Franziska: Classy and elegant

Parallel to Fashion Week we invited our New Face Franziska to Berlin. In Berlin-Mitte, on Museum Island, we had the perfect location to present our young talent in a completely different light. With two photo shoots and this new video from our videographer Robin Platte. Franziska is a real cutie! Although she is still very young, she is already very professional in her work and shows absolute motivation and commitment to become a model. Of course, as a model manager and model agency, it is a pleasure to meet such fresh talent in Berlin and get to know her for the first time, just like me. Franziska has strong prerequisites to really get off to a good start as a model. From fashion magazines, catwalks, photo shoots to videos for fashion companies. We and our partners see great potential in Franziska and that is why we were very pleased to welcome them to Berlin. But enough written, pictures say more than a thousand words!

Calm Fashion Showreel: Franziska