Cologne | K1 Downtown Galleries

Sommer, Sonne, Köln und Kunst! Ein Geheimtipp für alle den wir nicht für uns behalten können! Am 27. Juni 2014 haben alle Kölner Innenstadt-Galerien bis 24:00 Uhr geöffnet – kostenlos! Vernissagen, Events, uvm. in über 15 Kölner Galerien sind beteiligt. Unser CM Models Team hat vorab schon mal einen Blick auf die interessantesten und provokantesten Künstler geworfen. Unsere Tipp für den K1 Freitag:

#1 Tip from Stephan, CM Mediadesign<
“Oil on canvas” by Nathalie Pirottes

Nathalie Pirottes | K1 Galerie Köln | CM ModelsNathalie Pirottes photographs pinup girls who are sensual and extravagant at the same time. Nathalie reduces the backgrounds of her pictures to the essential. This makes her models very present in the photo. Nathalie’s speciality is her focus on the model. She becomes a lioness, a deer or gets fluffy, blue bunny mask.

#1 Nathalie Pirottes in “Die Kunstgallerie”, 50667 Cologne .
Preview event is on June 28, 2014. The exhibition is then until August 2014 and can be found at “Die Kunstgalerie”, St.-Apern-Straße 20, 50667 Cologne.

Info and contact via 0157 76657983 or via mail to

#2 Tip from Oliver, CM Modelmanagement<
“Courtesy Galerie” by Hannes Norberts

Hannes Norbert’s third solo show is like Nathalie Pirotte’s, except Noberts doesn’t limit himself to the painting alone. The entire gallery is white. Only white. The only colour impressions come from his impressive paintings. A blue swimming pool, a diving board over water, blue. Fonts that fill entire canvases. Hannes Norberts will inspire you. His exhibition invites you to ‘see’.

Hannes Norberts in “Galerie Klaus Benden”, 50667 Cologne.
Small special here, Norbert’s personal guided tour through the gallery, on Friday at 20:00. To be found in the “Glalerie Klaus Benden”, Helenstraße 2, 50667 Cologne.

Information and contact via 0221 2806858 or via mail to
Website of the Klaus Benden Gallery

#3 Tip from Guido, CM Photographer<
“After the image” by Marina Gadonneix

Marina Gadonneix’s works are staged spaces. Yes, rooms! The reference to the fashion world is not immediately obvious, but Marina’s entire spatial designs are an absolute eye-catcher. From pure, intense colour gradients in which the boundaries of the room disappear for the visitor to monotonous shadow walls. Marina is a professional in visual effects. Born in Paris and awarded the Prix HSBC pour la Photographie in 2006. Our third HAVE TO SEE recommendation for June 27, 2014.

Marina Gadonneixs in “Gallery Kaune, Posnik, Spohr”.
You will find the vernissage until August 16th in the Gereonskloster 12, 50670 Cologne, Germany.

Website of Kaune, Posnik, Spohr

15 galleries – one night

Inspired? On 27 June, K1 in Cologne Summer! 15 downtown galleries and all open until 24:00! In the galleries are various exhibitions and live events with the artists. Here are the hotspots, here are these and other events:

Peter Rudl says: “Art is the natural enemy of normality!” He’s right! New is better! New art is a trendsetter. From art we can interpret a lot for media & fashion. We see current trends in society, but also in the individual – the artist/designer. Artists dare new things, just like we do! Who wants to be inspired has the chance in a few days, on 27.06.2014 in Cologne.

For more information, visit

The K1 exhibitions on 27.06.2014 (PDF)