Beautiful Places Paris – all worth a visit!

The city of love. Even if you not fall in love in Paris you will fall in love with Paris. The capital of France offers many beautiful places and we show where and what you can do there. Take a look on the most beautiful places in the (european) city which never sleeps. We all now the typical sights of Paris: the Eiffel Tower, L’Arc de Triomphe or the Louvre but we will take you on a diffrent (virtual) sight seeing tour trough Paris.

The Apartment of Coco Chanel – The fashion Queen #1

In the Rue de Cambon no. 31 you will find Coco Chanels apartement. In the basement you can shop the newest collections in the Chanel Store. The second floor is the Haute Couture changing room and the 3rd and 4th floor Coco Chanels apartment and work place but there is one bad news, if you are not a Chanel VIP or a journalist you will not be able to see the 3rd and 4th floor. If you have the right budget you can sleep in the Ritz Hotel on the other side of the street. This was the place she slept before she dies in 1971.

Place du Tertre – Artists all over

Here you can find many houses, restaurant and places to drink a cooffee but the special thing about it is, that there are artists all over the Place who draws you and other beautiful things. Definetly worth a visit!

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