Tag Archive for: 曲线

Berlin Fashion Week 2016 – Model Manager: Behind the scenes

Twice a year the fashion industry is drawn to the capital for Berlin Fashion Week. While visitors and the media are mainly interested in shows, buyers and managers from various stores and fashion houses meet at Berlin’s fashion fairs. They all take place parallel to the different fashion shows. In 2016, public events focused primarily […]

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin 2016 – Winter Season

Fashion Photography – Fashion & Haute Couture

Since the turn of the millennium, the three top dogs Vogue, Vanity Fair and Harper’s Bazaar no longer dominate the field alone – today’s fashion photographer is increasingly working for independent magazines and has raised the artistic standards for his pictures. The boundaries between art and fashion photography are becoming blurred, while the previously rather […]

Fashion Week Berlin Highlights 2015: Guido Maria Kretschmer to HolyGhost

For the 17th time the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week took place in Berlin. capital, fashion metropolis and always at the cutting edge of fashion trends and style. Well-known designers presented their spring/summer collections 2016 in numerous fashion shows, including Hugo Boss, Lena Hoschek, Riani, Guido Maria Kretschmer and many more. They all attracted fashion enthusiasts […]

Top 10 Fashion Designer Germany

Ralph Lauren sagte, ich entwerfe keine Kleidung, ich entwerfe Träume! Das 20. Jahrhundert war wundervoll! Zumindest in Bezug auf Mode haben wir viel gelernt. Heute bilden Designer die Speerspitze der Fashionwelt und werden zu Mode-Ikonen. Modedesigner haben die Fähigkeit die Schönheit