Model agency NRW – Become a Model & Requirements

Model agency Nordrhein-Westfalen – also in NRW many young models are looking for a good model agency. Whether in Cologne, Düsseldorf or the cities of the Ruhr area, from Dortmund to Essen and Bielefeld. North Rhine-Westphalia is the most populous region in Europe and therefore a perfect stepping stone into a career for models. With good connections to Germany, such as Berlin or Munich, but also close to European metropolises such as Paris and Amsterdam, NRW is an interesting location. Not only the agency landscape, also many customers have their location.

Modeling in North Rhine-Westphalia

Anyone who works as a model in North Rhine-Westphalia has a wide range of possibilities here. Düsseldorf is home to many fashion brands, from C&A to Peek and Cloppenburg to Hugo Boss. Various fashion shows, events and store openings. Cologne is also a media metropolis, with RTL, VOX but also large corporations such as Rewe. Photoshootings, commercials or also Shootings for Onlineshops, here one can collect as a model thus fast much experience, completely differently than in other areas in Germany. Therefore it is worthwhile to think about your own career at an early stage so that you can gain your first experience as early as possible and then make the leap into a professional modeling career.

Minimum dimensions and requirements for North Rhine-Westphalia

As a model it is no different in NRW than in the other federal states, from Bavaria to Berlin. There are individual requirements and prerequisites for each area, which you must fulfill for the majority of the jobs. For example, productions for advertising, fashion and also high fashion differ. The prerequisites for jobs in the beauty sector and jobs for sports models also differ. So there are individual guidelines for everyone. In general, however, it can be said that minimum sizes apply to the majority of models.

Female models in NRW

As a female model you should bring a minimum size of 174 cm with you in NRW, you should have a good skin structure and full hair. Your figure should be strong and you should usually have a ready-made size of 34 or 36. So you have chances for most jobs when it comes to photo shoots for online shops or even for commercials. Since you ultimately want to earn money with modeling, you should find your market and therefore also consider the respective requirements. Ideally, you don’t have tattoos or piercings. Here once again everything important summarized

  • Minimum size women of 174 cm
  • Fabrication 34/36
  • No tattoos, piercings, etc.

Men models in NRW

Of course, certain basic requirements also apply to men and boys, especially when it comes to jobs in fashion. Since most jobs take place here, however, less in commercial advertising, because here the characters are rather interchangeable, you should also as a man observe the requirements and minimum dimensions.

As a male model, a body height of at least 185 cm is recommended. For men, the clothing size varies depending on whether you want to focus on a career as an international model or a sports model. Anyone who later wants to work on the international stage at the age of 18 or 19 should have a slim, slightly defined figure. If you train too much and have too many muscles, you will be out for many jobs for many customers, especially in the big fashion metropolises around Paris and Milan, but also in Germany, e.g. in Berlin. Here once again summarized the most important information for male models

  • Minimum size men of 185 cm
  • Slim or slightly defined, sporty figure

Model Coachings in NRW

If you want to apply in our model agency, then you not only have the advantage of having one of the best management in Germany behind you, we also offer regular model coaching. Here we invite our experts and trainers to prepare our models for the most important first jobs. In particular, it is first and foremost a question of cooperation with the Agency. Punctuality, communication but also fast information, e.g. to free appointments or if you have to shoot a small video for a commercial spontaneously. All this has to work quickly so that you have the best chances of getting the jobs. For all photo shootings there is a strict deadline, also for the model selection.

A large part of the coaching deals with the topic of self-confidence and personality. How do you enter a room? Especially when it is early, when you arrived the evening before by plane, came directly from the hotel and now 15 people stand tired on the set and wait. Who’s got the power? You! You!

In addition there are tips from our fashion photographer for the first photo shoot, especially facial expressions, gestures but also posing in groups. E.g. for photos showing friends shopping and having fun together in the city or many different other situations. At the end there’s still the fashion show. No matter if it is the small showroom, the fashion show in Berlin or the international catwalk in Milan, all turns and movements have to sit. That’s why model coachings are so important and as one of the top agencies we attach great importance to our models making fast progress.

How to apply as a model in NRW?

You don’t need professional photo shoots, our model scouts have two simple mobile phone photos of you. A portrait and a full body photo. All this in natural daylight and without make-up or styling. Just wear a black jeans and a top or for men a shirt. You then send your two photos directly to our model scouts, with the most important information:

  • Body size
  • Confection size
  • Age
  • Name
  • Contact details

That’s it, you can apply as a model in NRW so easily!