Hamburg – Model Casting x Saturday! Register now for your GoSee on 24.02

Model Agency Casting Hamburg! After we as a fashion agency in Hamburg have already built some models and already had some really good campaigns in Hamburg’s city, we now make the first live casting for models in Hamburg with our headscout Oliver Rudolph. Oliver Rudolph is not only a model discoverer but also a fashion photographer. With his eye we find the perfect models for our clients at every casting. You want to become a model? Then apply now for our casting on Saturday at the port of Hamburg!

Model Casting: New dates!

Live Castings are held several times a year! You can find new dates here: Casting Dates. You don’t want to miss any update about castings? Follow our agency and our model agency Youtube!

Casting registration for Saturday, 24.02. from 17 clock

Send us your data and two simple, clean photos of you. Without styling, without posing, 100% naturalness! We accept registrations until Saturday 15.00 and send confirmations and cancellations relatively promptly. If you are invited, you only need basics: black jeans, white top, simple shoes (preferably black or white), so nothing distracts from you! Good luck!

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    How do you apply for a casting as a model?

    If you want to become a model in one of the renowned agencies, you don’t need any elaborate photo shoots to apply as a model. All you need are very simple Polaroids, which are very simple photos of you. No posing, no styling, no special outfit. You wear black jeans, black or white shoes and a white top. That’s it. You look frontally into the camera, turn once 90 degrees to the side, from these two perspectives you take one full body shot and one portrait shot. In addition we need your measurements, why are the measurements so important? Especially the body size and the proportions, i.e. the distribution around the bust, hips and waist, play a very important role for customers and designers, because collections are often cut to a standard size before they are launched on the market. These collections are of course also presented to customers in showrooms in advance, which often means six months in advance. Large German but also European fashion designers, then invite their customers to the showrooms, these are distributed over the whole country and the whole continent, there you can see the fashion or the fabrics directly on the model. Viewing is, so to speak, a small fashion show, in front of a closed audience. This form of jobs you will often experience especially as a young model, but you can also travel at a young age, with 15 or 16 years through Germany and experience eg showrooms in Munich, Frankfurt or Berlin!

    Top 10 Germany – Bravo Girl 2017

    Requirements to become a model?

    Now, when several models come together at a show, the size differences must also be right. Otherwise, the look of a fashion show would not be uniform, because the individual characters have too large size differences. This distracts from the fashion and thus from the actual purpose of the event. That’s why model agencies make sure that models have the necessary requirements. Therefore you have to send your measurements with your Polaroid already in the run-up to the casting. Especially in Hamburg, where high quality and exclusive brands as well as advertising agencies are located, the requirements are relatively strict when it comes to photo shoots and advertising productions.

    Model in Hamburg – How do I get started as a model?

    Modeling in Hamburg, Castings and Jobs! In Hamburg you have because of the many media agencies and advertising agencies of course also a variety of jobs you can do. This includes not only the just mentioned showrooms or fashion shows and photo shoots. In addition, there are also advertising productions, here you can be seen later on television, on YouTube, Instagram and many other platforms. The more extensive these rights of use are, the more you can earn as a model. But the road is long, you have to believe in yourself, you have to be diligent in school, you have to take your own time for the career and stay on the ball. All this doesn’t fall from the sky, every build up takes its work and its time. But if you have realistic goals and you enjoy the job, not just the success, then you can go far. After your initial inquiries and casting proposals, you’ll get your first invitations. Today, many castings are no longer done live, because the effort is very high and of course many models have to take time on that day. That’s why many castings today are done via videos, there you get a certain role or a certain task and this you play in front of the camera. Your agency takes care that you only get good requests, the whole package then goes back to the client and with a bit of luck you get an acceptance! Most productions are made in Hamburg directly on location, but of course you also have the chance to work abroad!

    Your management for photo shootings, campaigns and fashion shows

    Model abroad

    Even at a young age, you can make it, with a little luck abroad. Either through jobs that you get through castings, through direct bookings or even through a longer stay with partner agencies. Our models are currently working in Paris, Milan, London Fashion Week, Tokyo and Osaka. Also in Melbourne, Australia. With us as an agency, you can make it all over the world, the important thing is that you believe in yourself, take your own time and are motivated because you love the job! You have the chance to meet great photographers, many interesting characters and models but also creative arts directors, people from fashion magazines or VIPs. Model is your real dream job, use your chance and apply now for our casting on Saturday!

    Want to learn even more? Then check out our blog: Become a Model.

    More about Modeling & Becoming a Model