Hamburg Events – Fashion, Glamour & Party in the North

Hamburg is a city of fashion in Germany. In addition to Berlin and Munich, you’ll meet some celebrities in the Hanseatic city at the right place at the right time. Whether shopping on Jungfernstieg, Mönkebergstrasse or luxuriously on Neuer Wall, at one of the hippest fashion events in Hamburg, during an interesting fashion exhibition, or at celebrations in the exclusive clubs in Hamburg, one thing quickly becomes clear: Hamburgers have a flair for fashion and like to show this with the help of noble brands.
Foto: (c) sjack,

Fashion Events – Fashion Events in Hamburg

Art & Fashion Festival unÜBERSEEbar – Hamburg creatives praise fashion in different facets

The Art & Fashion Festival in Hamburg “unÜBERSEEbar” takes place for 14 days in the trendy Hafencity in Hamburg. The Überseeboulevard is the focus of the fashion event in Hamburg and is a dream come true for all creative and fashion enthusiasts on the Elbe. In addition to bloggers, journalists, designers, models and fashionistas, talented fashion photographers or boutique owners also romp around at the Open Air Fashion Festival under the fashion star in Hamburg. In addition to exhibitions of various artists, stylists, photographers & Co. offer small workshops. The fashion event in Hamburg offers talented creatives a platform to present their inspirations, visions and realizations in fashion to the public.

Ein von Fe Li (@fe_li_94) gepostetes Foto am


The Überseeboulevard as the longest catwalk of Hamburg

The Überseeboulevard is transformed into the longest open-air catwalk in Hamburg for the two-week fashion dreamland. Impressive dresses, elegant evening dresses, artistically elaborate and unique robes, as well as cute summer dresses are presented.

Ein von Kimthu Lê (@lekthu) gepostetes Foto am


Lets get chic – fashion shows, workshops & more

The fashion event in Hamburg “let’s get chic” offers exhibitions from the areas of fashion, accessories, beauty & more as well as spectacular fashion shows of new designer collections in the location “Uni Hamburg”. In addition to the presentations and exhibitions, stylists and make-up artists will offer workshops on new trend styles of the season. So that women can enjoy the day in peace and quiet in the 7th fashion heaven, there are also so-called “men’s corners” at the Hamburg fashion event instead of a children’s paradise. Instead of bouncy castles, the male companions, who are less interested in fashion, can make new acquaintances at the table, challenge themselves to a round of FIFA on the Playstation or crown the day with a few snacks and drinks.

Kennt Ihr noch die PETRA?? Wir ja und sie kennen uns nun auch, schaut her: Aktuelle Ausgabe April 2015 – jetzt im Handel! Danke PETRA!

Posted by Let’s get chic on Freitag, 6. März 2015


Fashion Event at the Star Hill – Fashion@Home Event Brigitte

The “Fashion@Home” fashion event in Hamburg, organised by the renowned women’s magazine Brigitte, combines the feel-good atmosphere of your living room with the glamour and glamour of the fashion industry and “geitüpfelt” with a few guests from the prominent scene. The location, the fashion loft in the Sternschanze, convinces with its young, exciting and exclusive ambience. The concept of the event: A perfect mix of fashion and music event with exciting show interludes and tasty snacks in a cosy atmosphere – glamour and enjoyment at ease. Similar to a beauty contest, the models not only present the latest fashion highlights, but also entertain the guests with vocal or dance performances. A prominent “coffee klatsch” of a slightly different kind – under the sign of fashion, whereby the so-called “living room” functions as a catwalk and the “guests” become part of the fashion spectacle.


Museum of Arts & Crafts – Exhibition Department Fashion

The Museum of Arts & Crafts in Hamburg boasts an impressive collection of fashion treasures. More than 10,000 unique items from women’s, men’s and children’s collections. The “red thread” of the exhibition in Hamburg: a documentation of the development of fashion history from the middle of the 18th century to the present day. Designer fashion by some well-known designers such as Yves Saint Laurent, Wolfgang Joop or Alexander McQueen shape the collection. From haute couture, to pret-a-porter, from avant-garde fashion to fashion that was shaped by Antwerp, everything is united in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg. A fashion journey through different epochs, styles and traditions. The presentations change in various special exhibitions.

Party in Hamburg – Celebrating after the event in Hamburg

After the various fashion events in Hamburg, from fashion shows to workshops to exhibitions, those who are not tired of glamour and glamour can end the evening in exclusive clubs such as the Golden Cut or the Moondoo or visit one of the successful musicals such as “King of the Lions” or “The Miracle of Bern”. In addition to fashion, an exclusive lifestyle and the Port of Hamburg, the city in the north of Germany is known for another thing: celebrating in Hamburg on the Reeperbahn. Those who want to get to know the “typical Hamburg” better can visit the Reeperbahn in St. Pauli after sunset. Fashionable highlights, such as the shrill, colourful costumes in a travesty show in the Olivia Jones Bar on the Great Freedom, can also be admired here.

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