Tag Archive for: Bewerbung

Modeling in Hamburg! Between castings, magazines and advertising agencies

Modelagency Hamburg – Modeling in Hamburg? If you ask yourself if it is better to move to Berlin or to Hamburg, then you already ask yourself the right question! Because you have chosen the two most important cities in Germany, in Hamburg and in Berlin there are most castings but also most jobs for models. […]

Your first model application: Your first step to modeling

Have you decided to become a model or would you like to give your model career more seriousness and work more professionally? Then the first step is to find the right agency. You already have an appointment at an agency? Read how to prepare for your interview here! Become a model – Application and interview […]

Become a model! Professionalism, good notes and self-confidence

Professionalism is the base for models as it is for celebrities or sport stars. The perception of others will define your value as a model in jobs and in your daily life. Professionalism means trust in ability, being on time and improving steadily. And as already said, professionalism