Shooting with Pascal Heimlicher (Los Angeles) and lovely Sandra Hunke / Marie Dahmen / Johanna Vorrath

Today our models meet with Mister Pascal Andrew Heimlich from Los Angeles for a sedcard shoot! Our models Sandra Hunke, Marie Dahmen and Johanna Vorrath have been with our modeling agency for a long time and they already worked for many well-known brands, but also for campaigns, which we all see at the beginning of 2017! Today it was not about jobs, but about the the model books. Pascal Heimlich is a photographer and filmmaker from LA, but also works in New York. A good contact also. We love his style and are very happy that he took the time.

As soon as we have the first photos from the shooting here in our model agency office, we will release them here! For now, a small backstage insight from Sandra Hunke:

Backstage mit Sandra Hunke & Fotograf Pascal Heimlicher

shooting-weekend-test-models-sandra-hunke-pascal-andrew-heimlicher-los-angeles-camera-screen-during-shooting shooting-weekend-test-models-sandra-hunke-pascal-andrew-heimlicher-los-angeles-backstage-camera-check-photos shooting-weekend-test-models-sandra-hunke-pascal-andrew-heimlicher-los-angeles-sexy-posing-studioshooting-weekend-test-models-sandra-hunke-pascal-andrew-heimlicher-los-angeles-posing-studio-flashlight

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