TikTok Content: User numbers, age groups, shooting videos and the most common mistakes – Interview

TikTok is not just here to stay. The sharp rise in user numbers also shows that the app has a great chance of overtaking all previously relevant social media platforms such as Instagram in the future. As a result, TikTok marketing is becoming increasingly relevant – but this is where many companies struggle. Our TikTok expert Sina Kadir has taken the time to answer the most important questions on the subject. In this interview, we will ask the 7 most important questions to find out how TikTok can be used as a platform for branding and performance marketing. Insights from our marketing agency!

Content for TikTok: High reach

CM: More and more marketers are saying TikTok marketing is important, but is the app relevant enough?

Sina Kadir, TikTok Expert

Sina: TikTok has reached the 1 billion user mark at breathtaking speed: in just under two years since its launch. By comparison, platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and Facebook took at least twice as long to reach this threshold. This rapid growth is a clear sign that TikTok is a platform that is used and appreciated by many people. Companies looking for a vibrant and active community will undoubtedly find TikTok a relevant platform.

That’s what the interview is about: Content + reach

The 3 most important learnings from the interview:

  1. TikTok growth: TikTok has reached 1 billion users in a very short time.
  2. Diverse target groups: Users of all ages are active on TikTok.
  3. High usage time: TikTok users spend an average of four times more time per week on the platform than on Instagram.

TikTok target group: Who uses the app and for how long?

CM: Are there already relevant target groups for brands on TikTok?

Sina: A widespread preconception is that TikTok is mainly used by dancing teenagers – especially due to its predecessor version “musical.ly”, which focused on dance and music. However, this no longer corresponds to reality. As with every social media platform before it, TikTok is also attracting older audiences as younger users discover the platform. In fact, over 50% of TikTok users aged 18 and over are already 25 or older. This is also reflected in the changing content on the platform.

CM: Interesting. What else speaks in favor of TikTok?

Sina: In addition to its demographic diversity, TikTok also impresses with the amount of time its users spend on the platform. On average, TikTok users spend around four times more time per week on the platform than on Instagram. This shows how intensively users use TikTok and how much they like the app. This high usage intensity is a clear sign of the platform’s relevance.

Is Instagram becoming irrelevant?

CM: Does this development mean that Instagram is becoming irrelevant for brands?

Sina: Instagram is by no means becoming irrelevant, but many brands are finding that increasing their reach on Instagram is becoming increasingly difficult and they often only reach their existing followers. In this context, it is interesting to note that Instagram is trying to respond to the success of TikTok by introducing the Reels function. Brands therefore have the opportunity to also use TikTok content on Instagram to increase their reach.

Range on TikTok: What do you have to do?

CM: And what reach can be achieved with TikTok?

Sina: With TikTok, the reach depends largely on how much users like the content. In contrast to other platforms, content on TikTok can go viral and reach millions of views even with just a few followers. The TikTok algorithm evaluates content primarily based on its appeal to users, which means that reach is less dependent on the number of followers.

TikTok: The most common content mistakes

CM: What mistakes should companies avoid in TikTok marketing?

Sina: Developing a successful content strategy on TikTok requires a deep understanding of the platform and its users. Unfortunately, many marketing teams already fail to engage sufficiently with TikTok. One of the most common mistakes is that the content is not dynamic enough. Often no cuts are made and the camera perspective is too static. TikTok users expect a high degree of variety and are looking for exciting and creative content.

CM: Question 7! So, how do I create exciting TikToks for my marketing?

Sina: The general rule is: follow the trends. The POV (Point of View) style or current trend sounds, which can be found in the Commercial Library, are particularly popular. To summarize, there is no one formula for success – it’s more a combination of different factors. But the good thing is: you have nothing to lose, because at worst my TikTok won’t reach people and you’ll learn as a brand.

Thanks to our TikTok marketing expert Sina for this first insight. We have definitely already learned a lot and are looking forward to the next part, in which we will focus even more on TikTok trends and organic content!

TikTok advertising agency

If you would like to find out more, please feel free to contact me directly. I would be happy to take the time for a non-binding exchange on possible strategies!

Sina Kadir, TikTok Expert

Are you looking for an experienced TikTok marketing agency? Great! Our TikTok marketing agency specializes in the most successful social media platform of all time and helps you to generate more reach, likes, followers and sales.

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