Model agency: Model in Dresden
Dresden – Looking for models in Dresden? For photo shoots and campaigns, we have the best selection of experienced models in Dresden and the surrounding area. Find your desired model and achieve an exceptional standard of quality for you and your campaign. Your ideas and wishes are the focus of all our model agencies at all times. To ensure that you (and your client) are absolutely satisfied with the model’s results, our model agency takes care of all booking details.
Inquiries & Contact
We look forward to your inquiry!
- CM Models Agency and Management
- Models for advertising: photo and video production
- Models for fashion: fitting, showroom, fashion show
- International Model Management (abroad)
- Rights of use, travel management, etc.
- Model Scouting (discover)
- Our contact persons: Contact
Stephan M. Czaja
Owner | CM Models
Book a model in Dresden
We book models from Dresden and the surrounding area for various clients (in a wide variety of fields). Shootings, placement or castings: We find the right model for every challenge. Save yourself and your team the time of finding a suitable model and benefit from our modern placement processes and our quick decisions. We are there for you in all areas, from the selection to the shoot.
Many castings and jobs for models also take place in Berlin.
CM Stories on Instagram & Co.
Don’t miss a thing! New castings on Instagram, new model videos and mini documentaries on Youtube – follow our models and our model agency:
Become a model in Dresden
Becoming a model has never been easier! Your model application can be sent in 2 minutes. As a model agency, we only need two to three simple pictures(polaroid) of you. You can also take these with your cell phone, just make sure you have good daylight and a plain, monochrome background. Stand in front of your cell phone, take a portrait and a full-body photo and send them off with our application form!
Structure, procedure & start as a model
We build up our models (New Faces) step by step. Often at the age of 15 or 16, during their school years and later abroad. At the age of 18 or 19, they then go to the big fashion weeks. In cooperation with international partners and model agencies in Milan, Paris, London, Tokyo, New York and many other major cities.
We start with tips, communicate with your parents, give short coaching and training sessions, all for you. We organize the first photo shoots with good photographers in your area, send you your first castings and jobs. Everything step by step. So that your modeling career is well planned and you have the greatest possible success for yourself.